CCE News

CDSS Receives Over 120 Applications Totaling $1.3 Billion for Newly Created CCE Program

California is making significant investments in supporting seniors and adults with disabilities to live safely in the community. Earlier this year, the California Department of Social Services announced $805 million available through its Community Care Expansion Program to fund the acquisition, construction and rehabilitation of residential adult and senior care settings that serve applicants and recipients of SSI/SSP and CAPI, including people…

California Budget Bill Establishes New Community Care Expansion (CCE) Program to Expand Care for Older Adults at Risk of Homelessness

Established as part of Governor Gavin Newsom’s 2021-22 budget and through California Assembly Bill (AB) 172 (Chapter 20, Statutes of 2021), the Community Care Expansion (CCE) program will provide $805 million in infrastructure funding for the acquisition, construction, and rehabilitation to preserve and expand adult and senior care facilities that serve Social Security Income (SSI) applicants and recipients, including those who…